The Inspectionally minimum price
The minimum price that any service can be sold for on Inspectionally is $20 (USD).
Each Buyer’s request will likely be different from those of other Buyers. As a Seller, you have complete control of what to charge for any service you offer on Inspectionally, above the minimum cost mentioned above.
Your minimum price for a service you offer
When you create a service on Inspectionally, you are required to add a Starting price of that service. This is displayed in your Service Detail page as the “Starting at” price that potential Buyers see. This gives potential customers an idea of the minimum that you charge for that service.
Buyers contact you first before buying
A potential Buyer must contact you first before placing an order. At this time, the platform does not feature an Add to Cart button that allows someone to place an order without contacting you.
· Ensures that you are available to fulfill the request
· Ensures that you are able to fulfill the request
· Enables you to receive and analyze the request and know if you can fulfill it
· Enables you to create the correct custom quote based on the request
You will create a customized quote for each request
As Buyers’ requests or requirements will differ, you will offer them customized quotes based on their specific needs. You can create a more accurate offer based on what the request is, your cost for fulfilling it (for example, travel costs involved in traveling to a location to perform an inspection, etc.)
See additional info on minimum price here